Are we really meeting our puppy and dogs' needs by joining group training classes?

I believe the world of dog training is slowly but surely progressing and we need to move away from traditional dog training group classes. We could be doing more harm than good, here's my thoughts....

Stressful early experiences can be detrimental

Positive early experiences for puppies are so important. Group classess can be stressful and cause anxiety for your dog or puppy. They are often in strange rooms with other dogs, strangers, noises, smells and strange items.

Classes can be overwhelming and cause your dog to shut down or even go into a different coping mechanism. Responses such as fooling around, barking and being over aroused (fooling around in dogs can be a sign of anxiety and stress rather than them being 'playful' but more to come in another blog on this!) These stressful experiences can also have an affect others in the class too. Stress is contagious! Psychological states can spread from one person or dog to another in group settings. 

All of these experiences can this can create emotional and behavioural issues later on. One/single trial learning theory can mean that only one negative experience can affect how the dog thinks about a situation.

The learning environment

Group classess are often 45-60 mins and this alone can be too long for most puppies. Shorter bitesize sessions of 10-15 mins maximum where puppies can learn and process is far more effective. (This will of course differ for each individual). Puppies need to rest/nap, regular sleep and process learning. Puppies can't ask to be excused in classes and so will look for other ways to meet these needs. 

Ethical learning means meeting the dog's needs and have to feel safe. Puppies and dogs need to be able to 'opt out'

Group classes are often distracting, overwhelming, and challenging and whilst some dogs and pups can learn this way, it is slower and with far more frustration. Much like many things in life, it continues this way because it is just how it has always been.

There is belief that people consider good behaviour is a dog or puppy being silent and immobile. In reality this isn't practical or ethical. For example making a puppy do a 'stay' in class for long periods can be stressful because puppies are restless and need to move!

Outdated Obedience Training Methods

Some puppy and dog training classes still foster outdated training methods which claim to make your pup more obedient and socialised, and it certainly may appear this way. However, studies show that puppies do far better emotionally by learning self regulation and resilience.

Classes can also be very task orientated and looking for complaince. If we teach in a way where the outcome is the animal performing the 'task', regardless of what they might be experiencing, how they may be coping or even their ability to do it, I believe it us moving us away from supporting them to be able to self regulate.

I now question whether this is a kind, fair or effective way of learning which is why I opt to teach online or do 121 sessions.

How can help my dog or puppy learn without going to training classes?

My online bitesize learning sessions are a transformative, forward thinking way over traditional training classes. They offer numerous advantages.


You and your dog have the flexibility to :

  • access learning 24 hours a day via your phone, tablet etc when you are out and about or even listen as a podcast
  • you can take training wherever you are and access the bitesize videos and take regular breaks
  • learn at your dog's own pace, adapting to individual needs and schedules.  If your dog or puppy needs to take a break or a nap, they can! Give them the opportunity to opt out at any time
  • it fosters a stress-free safe learning environment, allowing dogs to focus and absorb information in the comfort of their familiar surroundings.
  • online courses often provide a wealth of resources, including video demonstrations and expert guidance, enhancing the learning experience for both pet and guardian
  • The absence of external distractions in a home setting also facilitates deeper safety and a deeper bond between you and your dog, as you work together to master new skills.

Overall, online learning offers this personalised, convenient, and effective way to build a strong foundation of understanding and communication between you and your canine companion.

I provide lots of alternative, innovative and progressive ways to learn including online including courses for Puppy Essentials, Recall Connection and Lose Lead Harmony and many others.

Please feel free to browse my learning platform and please reach out if I can help you in any way




