How easy is it to support your dog with Separation Anxiety?

Separation Anxiety Training

Sometimes the hardest part of separation anxiety is finding the time to train consistently.

It takes time for our dogs and puppies to be comfortable with being left on their own, even for short periods.


without consistent training you may not see improvements in your dog, and you'll struggle to create the harmony you crave at home.

Well, i'm here to help you with that. Here are some easy ways to build training into your daily routine.


Grab a moment to practice while you're waiting for the kettle to boil. Use it as an opportunity to practice your warm ups


On a walk or before any training session, set 5 mins aside at the beginning to allow them sniff and take in the environment. This helps build their confidence, especially if they are anxious or nervous


When you're cooking dinner or maybe working from home, set aside a kong or interactive toy in a room nearby (with easy access to you if they need) giving them the choice to be away from you. This helps build that independent time away from you at their pace and choice


Think about having a back up plan ready if (or when) you need need to leave your dog alone in an emergency. This might be someone in the family that can help at a moment's notice. It's often the unplanned absences we struggle with.

Most important of all, remind yourself just how far you have come!

Every single time you get out the door successfully, you are helping your dog realise being alone is not a threat. These little wins add up to the big changes

Let me know which one of these tips you'll be trying yourself today?

For more information on how to overcome Separation Anxiety you can start learning right now! https://pawsforthoughtcanineco...