Behaviour   Wellbeing    Communication  

“The bond with a dog is as lasting as the ties of this earth can ever be.”

– Konrad Lorenz

Hello and thank you for visiting my page. 

Welcome to the wonderful world of compassionate force free training & emotional wellbeing for your animals

I help animals and their guardians reduce stress and anxiety in life by using a 'care and wellbeing orientated' approach to behaviour.

I am a trauma informed, secure attachment based force free practitioner and Separation Anxiety Pro Behaviour Consultant 
(certified by Julie Naismith).

Member of the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter & National Institute for Canine Ethics (NICE) assessed and verified by Yappily. 

I am a proud advocate and follow the 'Do No Harm' training principles
* Separation Anxiety Pro Behaviour Consultant 

* Reactivity Specialist

* Puppy Transformation Specialist

* Canine Body Language Courses

* Professional Animal Communication 

and so much more.....


Private 121 Consultations and Coaching Sessions

Private 121 Animal Communication Sessions

Online Training Courses

I have a selection of online courses from puppy training to specific issues such as separation anxiety, recall or relationship building. Please click on the category you need below or use the search bar to find a specific course.

If you can't find what you need, please reach out to me.

Why choose online learning?

You can learn in your own time and support your dog in a stress-free safe learning environment 

Access 24 hours a day, on your tablet, phone or laptop (even listen as a podcast)

Bitesize easy to follow videos, which you can pause and revisit even when out and about.

Many courses also have supplementary workbooks, e-books and handouts for free

121 Consulations or Coaching Sessions

121 coaching sessions with invaluable support for both you and your dog.

Specialist packages include separation anxiety, dogs with reactivity and puppies

Learning At Your Own Pace

Specialist courses you can access from any device, any time at your convenience. Resume exactly where you left off. No limits on the number of times you can view video lessons.

Supportive Community

Join our community and connect with owners from around the world who are just like you. Learn and share with the every growing community.

Are you curious to learn how to improve the quality of life for your pet?
If so, please reach out to me to explore how I can help you

Professional accreditations and Registrations

  • Separation Anxiety Pro Behaviour Consultant (Julie Naismith)  CSAP-BC  
  • BCCSDip.AdvCanBhv (British College of Canine Studies)
  • Diploma in Natural Animal Communication (Dip.A.C)  
  • Student member of The International School for Canine Psychology and Behaviour (ISCP)   
  • The Dog Training College  (Canine Body Language Instructor and Reactivity Specialist)  
  • Diamond Member of the Grisha Stewart Academy  
  • Animal Reiki Practitioner  Fully insured and CPD assured
  • Member of the UK Dog Behaviour and Training Charter & National Institute for Canine Ethics (NICE) 
  • I am a proud advocate and follow the 'Do No Harm Dog Training' principles